Our Mission

Improve people's health


    It is a common condition that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm in most patines. It worsens over time, so diagnosis and treatment are important. In an early stage, symptoms can usually be relieved with simple measures, such as wearing a wrist splint and avoiding certain activities.

    American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.


    Almost everyone will experience low back pain at some point of their lives. This pain can vary from mild to severe. It can be short-lived or long-lasting. However it happnes, low back pain can make many everyday activities difficult to do. Effectiveness of orthoses for lower back pain suggests a clear improvement in pain intesity and functional capacity.

    National Institutes of Health

    Consult your doctor or medical supply to learn how to wear the orthosis and flow specific instructions on how to use it.


    The power of natural ingredients.

    We use natural ingredients for our cosmetics due to our heath awareness.

    We believe that natural ingredients protect and respect the environment generating a lower carbon footprint in their production.

    Ingredients of our cosmetics that are responsible sourced, collaborating with local communities that supply natural ingredients boosting the local economy and promoting fair trade practices.